The Rados Rad-60 (also known as the Doseguard) electronic alarming dosimeter is a precise and reliable instrument for personal radiation dose measurement. This personal dosimeter features digital display, with dose rate, and accumulated dose. The user can choose the units: mR/hr or Sv/hr. Alarm setpoints are user adjustable. The user can adjust the dosimeter with or without a reader. If your needs grow for a more sophisticated system, the versatile Rad-60 can also be integrated into an Access Control System. The unit can be switched into System Mode, for the purpose of tracking personnel dose records and generating compliance reports.
This dosimeter is manufactured in Finland and includes state-of-the-art technology with built in memory for retrieving dose, even during power-down. It eliminates outside interference from shock and RF. The Rad-60 operates with a single AAA alkaline battery. The optional ADR-1 Reader and Software is available.
Rad-60 Electronic Dosimeter
With touch of a control, the user can:
Energy compensated Si-Diode
Front panel push button functions: change display priority (dose/dose rate), power ON/OFF, chirp ON/OFF, reset integrated dose, change alarm thresholds, activate battery test
Measurement Range: Dose: 1 uSv - 9.99 Sv or 0.1 mrem - 999 rem
Energy Response: Hp(10), 60 keV - 3 MeV, better than + or - 25%, up to 6 MeV,
better than + or - 35%
Dose Rate: 5 uSv/h - 3 Sv/h or 0.5 mrem/h - 300 rem/h
Dose Rate Linearity: Better than + or - 15% up to 3 Sv/h (300 rem/h)
Better than + or -5% (Cs-137, 662 keV at 2 mSv/h), Hp(10)
Audible Alarms: Seven separate alarms, sound level typically better than 85
dBA at 30 cm
integrated dose:
dose rate,
dose overflow,
dose rate overflow at 3 Sv/h or 300 rem/h,
low battery 1 and 2,
Alarm Thresholds: Six preset values each for integrated dose and dose rate-push
button selection
Connectors: Infrared communication via bottom of the dosimeter
Power Requirements: One triple A alkaline cell, typical life is 1800 hours in
background (dose mode)
Temperature Range: -20 - + 50° C operational, humidity up to 90% RH,
non-condensed -20 - + 70° C storing
Weight: 80 g (including battery)
Size: 78 x 67 x 22 mm
Options: ADR-1 Configuration Kit , RAD-60 Carrying Cases and The ACS
Express Software - ACS Express is a state-of-the-art Windows-based
Access Control System providing logging and personnel control for
restricted area entries and exits. Designed exclusively for use by
Emergency Responders. Load the software on a laptop, hook up an ADR-1
Reader and your ready to implement the system in minutes. Provides
dose records and ingress/egress controls to track personnel in
radiation areas.