Radiogas Containers

For gamma spectrum analysis of radioactive gas samples

Function as a sample container and analysis container


Radiogas Container Overview

These radio gas sample containers that function both as a sample container and an analysis container. These containers coupled with valves, featuring a dual stopcock purge system, will withstand at least 10 PSIG pressure. The valves facilitate the collection of gas samples and permit the flushing, venting and containment of gases better than any other commercially available plastic valve. Quick-disconnect valves may also be utilized with the container. Valves are sold seperately.

The radio gas containers are available in 25 cc and 100 cc volume sizes. They are suitable for gamma spectrum analysis of radioactive gas samples containing moderate to high levels of radioactivity. Common applications include nuclear power plant gas decay tanks and containment atmospheres. These containers feature a geometric configuration to allow higher level radioactive samples to be easily elevated from the detector, thus eliminating high dead-time problems due to very-high count rates.

Key features of the Radio Gas Containers