Monitor 4EC

  • Model: Monitor 4EC Radiation Detector

Starting at: $525.00

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The Monitor 4 EC Radiation Detector is a feather weight, compact, ergonomic, general purpose survey meters capable of detecting alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays over 3 ranges. (manual-ranging) A red count light flashes and a beep sounds with each event detected. The Monitor 4EC offers a more linear reading than the base model, for gamma and x-rays (above 40 keV).

Monitor 4EC:
Halogen-quenched GM tube, energy compensated sidewall 2mm thin filter. Thin mica window 1.5-2.0 mg/cm2 thick. Effective diameter of window is 9.1 mm (.36 in.).

Detects alpha down to 2.5 MeV; typical detection efficiency at 3.6 MeV is greater than 80%. Detects gamma and x-rays down to 10 keV typical through the window (non-compensated), 40 keV through the sidewall.

Operating Range
0-.5, 0-5, 0-50 mR/hr 0-500, 0-5,000, 0-50,000 CPM or 0-5, 0-50, 0-500 μSv/hr (SI Scale Meter Option)

Energy Sensitivity
1000 CPM/mR/hr (Cs137). M4EC is the same as M4 except the energy response for gamma and x-rays through the detector sidewall is flat within +61% or -26% over the range of 40 keV to 100 keV, and within +35% or -17% over the range of 100 keV to 1.3 MeV. M4 & M4EC meter scales shown below. Both Detect beta at 50 keV with typical 35% detection efficiency and beta at 150 keV with typical 75% detection efficiency.

Typically ±15% of reading (Cs137)

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 28 September, 2017.


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